News | 21 Mar 2024
Online webinars

21° offers a number of online webinars on diverse topics aimed at building professionals, selfbuilders, and would-be retrofitters. The webinars are intended to offer informative resources for those wishing to expand their knowledge and understanding of low energy building. We can also offer tailored bespoke CPD webinars for architectural practices and building professionals.
Scheduled webinars
Introduction to Passivhaus
- Introduction to Passivhaus methodology & standard
- Specification required to achieve Passivhaus certification
- Windows & doors: Passivhaus requirements and importance of installation detailing
- Airtightness products & techniques needed to achieve Passivhaus requirements
- MVHR: what it is and how to ensure optimal performance
Dates available
High performance windows & doors
- High performance glazing
- U values & G values
- Frame materials
- Passivhaus requirements
- Optimum positioning of windows to minimise thermal bridging
Dates available
MVHR (Mechanical Ventilation with Heat Recovery)
- Why is ventilation important?
- What types of ventilation are available
- What is mechanical ventilation with heat recovery?
- Getting it right: sound & pressure loss
- Design principles for MVHR systems
Dates available