We've Signed up to NaCSBA Membership

We’re delighted to announce that Green Building Store has become a member of the National Custom and Self Build Association (NaCSBA).
NaCSBA is the voice of the Custom and Self-build housing sector, and it describes its mission as to make Custom and Self-build a mainstream choice for everyone seeking a home of their own.
The UK is currently behind other countries when it comes to the low level of customer-commissioned new homes that are currently built. Growing the sector will increase housing diversification. The custom and Self-build market can deliver more and better homes that more people aspire to live in and that communities are happier to see built.
What is NaCSBA?
NaCSBA offers several services to its members, which include lobbying government, sector research, Working groups and the right to build registers. Through its self bulld portal it tracks and supports people wanting to sign up for their Right to Build by linking them to their local Self Build Registers.
Through the NaCBSA’s services, Green Building Store will be able to engage with developers, architects, planners, financial and warranty providers, manufacturers, self builders, community groups, and local authorities to develop, share and promote best practices in self and custom building. Using the self build portal, we can share resources and news directly with customers who are on their self build journey.
The self build market is a focus for GBS
On joining NaCSBA, Green Building Store Managing Director, Andy Mitchell said, “The self build market is a critical focus for Green Building Store now and in the future. Joining NaCSBA is a natural and sensible fit for the business. Our focus over the last 12 months has been to increase the accessibility of our expertise in delivering low energy homes to the market without compromising our vision of transforming the UK residential built environment. Membership in an organisation like NaCSBA will allow us to do this.
Our message continues to be that investing in the performance of your homes will not only reduce our national energy requirements but also provide us with a significantly healthier and more comfortable environment to live and work in. The self build market has a huge potential to create buildings that are future-proof and suitable for the climate and energy challenges ahead.
Duncan Hayes - spokesperson for NaCSBA
We welcome Green Building Store as one of our newest members. It bridges an important educational gap in advising and supplying various materials and tech that help people green up their homes. We know that self builders lead their way as innovators in sustainable homes, often testing products before they reach the mainstream and providing a market for new ventures. We look forward to working with Green Building Store to bring out the best for anyone interested in building with greener credentials.
For more information and to understand more about what NaCSBA do, visit its website here.