Carntyne Church Passivhaus Flats, Glasgow

Shettleston Housing Association has just completed a newbuild 5-storey block of flats on the site of Cartyne Parish Church, aiming for Passivhaus certification.
These homes were designed by Page/Park Architects, with John Gilbert Architects as the Passivhaus Designers, and were built by Stewart and Shields.
21 Degrees ULTRA triple glazed timber windows and doors were specified for the project. 21 Degrees also designed and commissioned the MVHR units at the project.
The 5-unit project was designed for over-55s clients, with the aim of creating energy efficient and comfortable social housing. By aiming for the Passivhaus standard, the project sought to decrease fuel bills and make living in the new properties more affordable.
The building was constructed as a timber / steel hybrid structure and was implemented on site with a high degree of collaboration between design teams, and once certified, may become Scotland’s tallest Passivhaus.
The building is not fully completed or certified at the time of writing, but the interim airtightness test result is 0.4 ach @ 50 Pa.
Triple glazed timber windows & doors
21 Degrees ULTRA range of triple glazed timber windows and doors were selected for the project. Tilt and turn and fixed windows were selected and finished in RAL 9003 white on the inside, and RAL 7037 on the outside. On the ground floor one ULTRA entrance door was specified. All ground floor windows and doors were Secured By Design compliant.
Christopher Antoniou- Architect at John Gilbert Architects
MVHR heat recovery ventilation
The MVHR systems for the flats were designed, supplied and commissioned by the 21 Degrees to comply with the Passivhaus Standard and the Scottish Building Regulations. Spiral wound ducting was used to create a route and branch system incorporating silencers to keep the sound within comfortable limits. Each flat has its own unit in a cupboard which has several advantages over using a centralised system including cost saving and individual control.
Project details
Page/Park Architects
John Gilbert Architects
Stewart and Shields
Case Study
Passivhaus certification
Still underway