We want to enable you to achieve the best you can in the context of your objectives and resources. We offer our consultancy services to self-builders and their architects.
Whether you need a single product or the ultimate Passivhaus, your system needs to be well thought out and designed correctly. We adopt a full-circle approach to provide better performing buildings from a carbon, cost, and comfort perspective.
We provide the knowledge and technology for homes and workplaces to harness their own sustainable energy. We are the pioneers of the sustainable energy revolution
The Old Forge Cottage Passivhaus, Leeds
Roundhay Passivhaus, Leeds
Garway Passivhaus Community Centre, Herefordshire
Connect Housing Boggart Hill project, Leeds
Triple Glazed Bay Windows, Leeds
A retrofit of two halves
Kingsley Passivhaus
High Trees Low Energy newbuild project, Yorkshire
Passivhaus office for Swann Edwards Architecture
Loch Leven low energy home
The Byre, Tyne & Wear
Cowper Road, Bromley